Faculty ranks for tenure-track Faculty are described in the Handbook of Academic Administration. This page provides additional details on non-tenure track appointment types and ranks within the School.
Faculty Affairs
Ranks and Tracks
Faculty with the titles listed below are physicians, research scientists, or health or allied science professionals whose primary professional efforts are as employees of Brown or of an affiliated organization(s). Faculty with the titles listed below are voting members of the Brown University faculty in accordance with the Faculty Rules and Regulations of Brown University.
Professors of the Practice are faculty who are hired to enhance Brown’s pedagogical mission and whose qualifications are earned primarily through professional experience rather than scholarly credentials.
(Research) faculty contribute to their department primarily through the conduct of biologically or medically related research. They may contribute to teaching activities by guiding undergraduate, graduate, and medical students in research and/or by participation in courses at the discretion of the department chair. (Research) faculty conduct their activities in a University-affiliated hospital and/or at the University.
Faculty with the titles listed below are physicians, research scientists, or health or allied science professionals whose primary professional efforts are as employees of Brown or of an affiliated organization(s). Faculty with the titles listed below are voting members of the Brown University faculty in accordance with the Faculty Rules and Regulations of Brown University.
The School of Public Health departments may appoint faculty and professionals to affiliated titles. Appointees in these titles are without faculty voting rights.